This is the only Institute in Gajapati District to get the Taekwondo Martial Art / Sports (Self Defense Techniques) Training.
It has been continuing at Paralakhemundi since 22nd November 2003 to till date, which is going to be completed 22 Years to this institute. Presently the institute is having about 112 numbers of students from the age of 5 years. I have been imparting coaching with all benevolence and dedication. This institute has produced number of students who have completed Black Belt course and Certified from Kukkiwon, South Korea as well as won Medals in different State, National and International Taekwondo Championships and also, we have provided coaching to Odisha Police in 2006 (for 3 months) for the 1st time & for the 2nd time coached to Odisha Police & O.S.A.P. in 2007 (for 1 year) as per the instruction of Superintended of Police of Gajpati, Mr. Amitendra Nath Sinha(IPS).

Kartika Chandra Mohapatra
Educational Qualification: MBA (HR & Marketing)
Taekwondo Qualification: 4th DAN Black Belt (Kukkiwon, South Korea)

Ganesh Chandra Mohapatra
Educational Qualification: MA (Sanskrit) & B. P. Ed.
Taekwondo Qualification: 2nd DAN Black Belt (Kukkiwon, South Korea)
To create a Healthy & Peacefull society by acquiring, realizing and feeling the value of power.
- To provide qualitative training in Martial Arts / Sports to the students.
- To be an opportunity for the talented sports persons.
- To create the citizens having courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and indomitable spirit to serve the society.
- To develop the moral and physical health of upcoming generation.
- To powered the man by empowering the women.